Rangers Megaforce - The Mysterious Robo Knight
(2013/Saban/Lionsgate DVD w/action figure)
B Sound: B Extras: C+ Episodes: B+
a new generation of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Megaforce, as
they continue to fight and protect the Earth from the Insectoid
monsters and their minions. As their friendship, teamwork grows so
does their Megazords, but will it be enough to stop new Insectoids?
And who is the new mysterious Robo Ranger and where does he come
with a new generation of Rangers is a new threat to the world,
invading insect aliens, that have plans to pollute, enslave and take
over the human world. As usual, a team of young teenagers are called
to become the new Power Rangers, Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake each
one special in their own way or talent, enhancing their ranger
powers. When they work together nothing can stop them.
is yet another continuation of Power Rangers, or Sentai warriors, new
characters, same old plot. It is usually made of up of a team of
multi-cultural teenagers of boys and girls. Each episode focuses on
one moral lesson that is the key defeating the bad guys, with Rangers
as the symbol of good defeating evil. All the evil creatures they
fight eventually turn into a gigantic version and the Rangers call on
their own zords/robots and unite into one robot and defeat the evil
anamorphically enhanced 1.78 X 1 image and lossy Dolby Digital sound
are as good as they are ever going to be in this format. Extras
include a micro figure toy in a special case with the DVD.
We Stand - The Rangers face Beezara warrior queen Insectoid, who's
mind powers has charmed all the boys.
and Dizchord - The Rangers fight Dizchord who wrecks havoc with
his rock and roll.
Crying Now - The Rangers face Creepox to stop his bullying.
Knight - The Rangers fight toxic warriors and a new mysterious
Robo Ranger shows up.
Ricky Chiang