Rangers Super Megaforce - The Sliver Warrior
(2015/Lionsgate DVD)
B Sound: C Extras: D Episodes: C+
Earth is invaded by evil Prince Vekar's alien armada the Power
Rangers Super Megaforce continues to protect the Earth with their
new found powers and Legendary modes, but they are not alone, along
with former Samurai Red Ranger and Jungle Fury Red Ranger they are
guided by their mentors on how to use their powers... but then a new
mysterious Ranger shows up, the Silver Ranger, who is he and where
did he get his powers?
this set of episodes dubbed The Silver Warrior, the Power
Ranger Super (Legendary) Megaforce is now more powerful than ever,
but with all that power, the former Red Rangers teach them that power
isn't everything and not to rely on weapons or power, that the true
source of their powers comes from their spirit. They are joined by a
new Silver Ranger, Orion who is from another planet and has who been
fighting the aliens for a long time.
Rangers remain a super sentai series of (usually) 5 kids and one
mystery character given super powers and teaming up together to save
the world in their giant combining robot. It seems like with each
episode the Rangers either find new powers or become even more
powerful (but then so does evil). I now finally understand why every
season, there are new types/classes of rangers which requires a total
new cast of characters; it is mainly because each season of Power
Rangers get too old and they can only be casted with 'teen/ high
school' aged characters (and we certainly can't have any 'adult'
anamorphically enhanced 1.78 X 1 image is as good as it will get for
DVD, but the lossy Dolby Digital sound is underwhelming and there are
no extras.
Surprise - The Samurai Red Ranger shows up and teaches Megaforce
how to work together.
of the Tiger - Jungle Fury Red Ranger teaches the Megaforce not
to rely on their weapons.
Lining - Someone is defeating the aliens by the time the
Megaforce Rangers are showing up.
Lining, Part 2 - Who
is this new Silver Ranger and where did he come from?
Ricky Chiang