Blue Murder – Set Three (Canadian TV/British
TV/Acorn Media)
C+ Sound: B-
Extras: C Episodes: B-
There are
so many great things to say about the hit series Blue Murder even after several
seasons at this point and at this site we never tire of good TV material, we
have covered the previous sets already and continue to be satisfied with much
of the Acorn releases and this is no exception.
This is
my first exposure to this show, but I can quickly say that it has a tendency to
grow quickly on any viewer, especially ones who are tired of the same ole’ same
ole that we get night after night with U.S. programming. Instead we get a show that is smart,
well-written, well-produced and directed in such a way that the audience never
feels cheated, but rather absorbed by each episode. Continuing right where the last set left off,
we are further enthralled into the life of Detective Janice Lewis, but the
cases become more interesting as the shows progress and it’s refreshing to see
a show never lose energy, but also it doesn’t feel the need to try and
re-invent itself in order to gain popularity.
As with
the previous sets the 1.78 X 1 anamorphic transfer (shot in HD) looks
impressive even with the presentation coming from standard definition DVD. Colors look great and at times detail is fine
too, but for those who are now accustomed to HD-programming, you will quickly
notice the limitations. The audio is an
adequate 2.0 Dolby Digital mix, which for most people will get configured into
Pro Logic surrounds and they hold up well for a show of this nature, although
the nice treat here is a behind-the-scenes documentary that only adds to the
overall value of this set, especially hardcore fans.
For more,
try these links:
- Nate Goss