Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: Volume Two – Bump In The
Night (1969/Warner DVD)
C+ Sound: C Extras: C- Episodes: B-
After so
many bad DVDs of later Scooby Doo adventures that pale as compared to the
original and even Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
– The Complete Third Season using the sacred title for shows actually
entitled ‘The Scooby-Doo Show’ on ‘Scooby-Doo All-Stars’ from 1976-1978,
we finally get original, vintage, authentic episodes of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! – The Complete Third Season in this Volume Two DVD single subtitled Bump In The Night. It is easy to forget how good the original
show was, not overdoing it and respecting the intelligence of all viewers.
Only 4
episodes are included on this set, but they are all rather memorable and
- Decoy For A Dognapper
- What The Hex Going On?
- Never Ape An Ape Man
- Four Play In Funland
shows are legitimately entertaining and show how this became so popular and
influential, inspiring Sabrina (of
Archie Comics fame) & The Groovie
Goolies among other shows to become part of Horror/Comedy of Saturday
Morning TV. These are all-time classic
shows and among the true gems of the Hanna-Barbera catalog. Nice to see them on DVD.
The 1.33
X 1 full frame image can be a bit soft, but the color quality is very good and
very consistent, showing how good and smart the artists were when they drew
these early seasons. The Dolby Digital 1.0
Mono sound I son the weak side and I have heard these sound better before, but
it is adequate, though Warner needs to go back to the camera negatives and redo
these for Blu-ray. The extras include
two trailers for other Warner DVDs and an episode from one of the never shows
that is harmless, but does not try to look like the original entitled More Fondue For Scooby-Doo.
- Nicholas Sheffo