The Cookoo Waltz – The Complete Second Series (1976/Network U.K./Region Two/2/PAL DVD)
C Sound: C+ Extras: D Episodes: C+
NOTE: This
DVD set can only be operated on machines capable of playing back DVDs that can
handle Region Two/2/PAL format software and can be ordered from our friends at
Network U.K. at the website address provided at the end of the review or at
finer retailers.
Collins plays a border and near houseguest from hell in The Complete Second Series of The
Cookoo Waltz, a moderate hit series where a married couple (Diane Keen,
David Roper) want to live a simple life, but their single guest is more modern
and high strung. They never throw him
out, but then if they did, there would be no show, would there?
This is
the second of four seasons and at least at this time, it was a smart show and
more amusing than you might expect, yet far from a classic. Still, there is only so much they can do with
this situation so only series BritCom fans will want to check it out.
The 1.33
X 1 PAL image is softer than we would have liked, while the Dolby Digital 2.0
Mono is better with audio that is fuller despite its distortion. There are no extras.
As noted above, you can order this PAL DVD import
exclusively from Network U.K. at:
- Nicholas Sheffo